Happy Birthday Save the Mothers

Happy Birthday Save the Mothers

June 5 2022

Kassie Stanfield writes:

Happy Birthday Save the Mothers! As we reflect on all the lives touched and saved in the first year of this program, we cannot wait to see how God continues to move!

“This is the way that God works. He puts people in positions where they are desperate for his power, and then he shows his provision in ways that display his greatness.” -David Platt

One year ago today we took a deep breath and walked through the doors to 24 eyes staring back at us, expecting us to teach them something about obstetrics, something that would help them save lives. A year and 99 trained birthing attendants later, we stand in awe. Over the last year, those 99 women have gone on to help deliver about 1,672 moms. ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY TWO MOMS. This is just year one. We’ve got big plans for this year (& the next & the next ;)).

I could not be more proud of our team and the work they have done in year one. Here’s to the STM team! Here’s to all those who have come alongside in support! Here’s to those 1,672 we have reached so far (& here’s to the next 10,000 we are coming for ;)). It’s been the greatest pleasure of my life to watch God display his greatness. Happy Birthday Save the Mothers!

Beautifully written Kassie! I wish you could each personally know this incredible young woman. Giving God the Glory every step of the way Kassie has written, directed, begged, cried, prayed, pushed and pulled this incredible program called Save The Mothers into a position to actually change the face of Africa! Well Done!

Dorris and Michael
